Dependable: A Packaging System that Reinforces Reliability

Creating a Packaging System that Communicates the Virtues of the 'Dependable' Brand

For Rocky Mountain Equipment's customers, ensuring their equipment is always up and running is essential to their livelihood and profitability. The 'Dependable' line of products helps to maintain the performance of equipment and minimize downtime.

In a category known for overdesigned "flashy" work laced with starbursts, Taxi West, the design team behind the 'Dependable' packaging system, took a different approach. They opted for simple, straightforward language, a simple color palette, and a bold, graphic, almost utilitarian structure. This deliberate choice reinforces the core value of dependability that Rocky Mountain Equipment embodies within the product itself. After all, dependability doesn't scream from the rooftops. It simply does its job the only way it knows how; the right way.

The audience for Rocky Mountain Equipment's 'Dependable' brand of motor oils and fluids is the farming and construction industry. Customers in these industries are looking for affordable products that minimize operational costs while maintaining the quality and durability of higher-priced name brands. The 'Dependable' packaging system reflects the no-nonsense attitude of farmers and construction workers, providing a design that is straightforward and to the point.

One of the challenges faced by Taxi West in creating the 'Dependable' packaging system was capturing the essence of reliability. Rocky Mountain Equipment's customers face uncertainty in their industries, from economic downturns to unpredictable weather events. Ensuring that their equipment is always operational is crucial for their livelihood and profitability. The 'Dependable' line of products addresses this need, emphasizing reliability above all else. The design strategically reflects the quality of the product while allowing the 'Dependable' label to take prominence.

The 'Dependable' packaging system, created by Taxi West, was awarded the Silver A' Design Award in 2013. This prestigious award recognizes designs that showcase outstanding expertise, innovation, and artistic skill. The 'Dependable' packaging system stood out for its strong technical characteristics and its ability to evoke positive feelings of amazement and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: TAXI West
Image Credits: TAXI West
Project Team Members: Client Rocky Mountain Equipment Client contact Laird Munro Creative Director Trent Burton Creative Director Chris Zawada Writer Trent Burton Designer Chris Zawada Designer Andrew Passas Photographer Chad Jones Mac Artist Yumi White Mac Artist Hayden Wood Digital Imaging Hayden Wood Agency Print Producer Leah Fladgate Agency Print Producer Denise Carefoot Account Director Ben Tarr Account Manager Andrea Nacinovich Agency Planner Jack Dayan
Project Name: Dependable
Project Client: TAXI West

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